Monday, February 23, 2015

HTML5 Geolocation Test

Test your web browser's geolocation output using this silly little widget!
Mode Off, click to start.

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Get Screen Dimensions in Python

Here's how to get your screen size in pixels on a number of different toolkits and operating systems in Python. Some methods are limited to only the default monitor, but others can provide a list of (width, height) tuples of all monitors in use.

Using Tkinter (recommended)

No PyPI packages required, and is cross platform.
from tkinter import Tk
root = Tk()
width = root.winfo_screenwidth()
height = root.winfo_screenheight()

Using wxPython

wxWidgets is available for many platforms.
Required package for Python2: wxPython
Required package for Python3: wxPython-Phoenix (currently not on PyPI)
import wx
wx.App(False)  # A wx.App must be created first.
width, height = wx.GetDisplaySize().Get()

Using PyGLet

Required PyPI package: pyglet
from pyglet.window import Platform
screen = Platform().get_default_display().get_default_screen()
width, height = screen.width, screen.height

Using PyGObject on GNOME

Pre-installed on Ubuntu and possibly other Linux distros too.
Required PyPI package: PyGObject
Single Monitor using GTK
from gi.repository.Gtk import Window
screen = Window().get_screen()
width, height = screen.width(), screen.height()
Single Monitor using GDK
from gi.repository.Gdk import Screen
screen = Screen.get_default()
width, height = screen.width(), screen.height()
from gi.repository.Gtk import Window
screen = Window().get_screen()
screens = [(s.width, s.height) for s in [
    screen.get_monitor_geometry(x) for x in
Returns a list of (width, height) tuples for each screen.

Using Xlib on X Server

Required PyPI package for Python3: python3-xlib
Single Monitor
from Xlib.display import Display
screen = Display().screen().root.get_geometry()
width, height = screen.width, screen.height
from Xlib.display import Display
screens = [(r.width_in_pixels, r.height_in_pixels)
    for r in Display()]
Returns a list of (width, height) tuples for each screen.

Using ctypes on Windows

No PyPI packages required, and works on WINE.
from ctypes.windll.user32 import GetSystemMetrics
width, height = GetSystemMetrics(0), GetSystemMetrics(1)

Using pywin32 on Windows

Required PyPI packages: pywin32
from win32api import GetSystemMetrics
width, height = GetSystemMetrics(0), GetSystemMetrics(1) 

Using AppKit on Mac OS X

from AppKit import NSScreen
screens = [(s.frame().size.width, s.frame().size.height)
    for s in NSScreen.screens()]
Returns a list of (width, height) tuples for each screen.

Monday, February 16, 2015

Your Public IPv4 Address

Just for reference, here's your public IPv4 address :)